SUP boards Winter sale 12-26.12.2022

SUP boards Winter sale 12-26.12.2022

Unbelievably low prices. All SUPs are at warehouse and quickly available. Catch it !!!

We sell the SUP boards below:

1) BSB series SUPs

BSB 9.0 Lite

BSB 10.0 Lite

BSB 10.6 Jungle

BSB Red Queen 10.6 Lite,

Indigo 10.8

BEE 10.6

Red Queen 10.6 Pro

Fantastic 10.6

2) Premium class WILDSUP design series SUPs:

Black Moose 10.6

Howling Wolf 12.3

Royal Panda 11.3

King Lion 11.5

Kangaroo Tandem 12.9

Grizzly 17.0

Call +371 28067676
